SenseConf - the conference for organisational sensing
#SocioTechnical #Cybernetics #Mapping #Telemetry #TeamTopologies #OrgDynamics
Date to be confirmed: 2023
SenseConf is a curated, single-track event for organisational sensing.
Modern organisations need modern practices and approaches to be effective. SenseConf brings together leading practitioners for focused discussion and learning around SocioTechnical, Cybernetics, Mapping, Organisation Dynamics, Telemetry, and Team Topologies.
Location: online
What we’re about
We cover topics that helps the modern organisation to make sense of its environment and ecosystem through digital, social, and sociotechnical means:
#SocioTechnical #Cybernetics #Mapping #Telemetry #TeamTopologies #OrgDynamics
SenseConf on Twitter
RT @matthewpskelton: @muhammadsufyian @WoodyZuill All four TT team types will benefit from understanding the Cynefin patterns for effect… https://t.co/5J7nd2W7Ud
RT @matthewpskelton: @einarwh @manupaisable @al94781 @TeamTopologies We hope that @SenseConf will be a good place for TT talks when we get it up and running...
RT @MrGhoneimy: 7 implications of seeing organisations as complex systems by @sonjabl https://t.co/jd89pskT91
RT @matthewpskelton: Design a machine ⚙️ versus Nurture an ecosystem 🌱
RT @matthewpskelton: @sonjabl @ajblain @ithoughtisaid Agreed. A related angle is the almost complete lack of awareness of sociotechnical… https://t.co/OevkzZIjeZ